Thursday, March 4, 2010

Inaugural Post

Just a quick post to kick things off. Driven solely by my wife's online popularity I decided that I needed to blog also. My Deck Blog was born from the idea of the ships deck log, thanks to my wife's cleverness. What I will talk about is yet to be determined. I find it difficult to translate my real world quick wit into the written word so often the things that will lead me to sit at the computer grinning for 30 minutes will only lead others to read out of the morbid curiosity of where is this guy going. So whether I will be one of millions of 4 post bloggers or one of the greats we shall see. Tomorrow is my birthday, hooray! 36 years old. Which reminds me, past my bedtime. Goodnight.


  1. I am glad I am such a role model! FYI, it is not my blog that is popular. I think I have a grand total of about 3 readers, one of which is my sister, the other a cousin, and one virtual friend. I could have 4, but you don't even read it!

    Anyways, I look forward to seeing your wit and wisdom translated to the written word. I love you - and thanks for the props!

  2. Happy Birthday, Eric! How did I think you were older than me? Hmmm... Even though I haven't seen you scratch your nose like a little kid in a long time (back of your hand/finger), I still think about it often and smile. It's the cutest thing! LOL. Russ turns *gasp* 38 on Sunday! Our friends' anniversary is also that day, so this is the second year in a row we've had their 3 boys for Russ' birthday- so they could get away. :) It's SO much fun having all 6 boys play here, and it's quite easy. Plus, it means they watch OUR boys in the near future so we, too, can have a weekend away. Oh, yeah! I pray no rogue waves come your way. ;)

  3. Eric, Ok, I guess I now have to get used to Blogging? I am just now up on Facebook and now this -- there is a limit!!! Only kidding. I will get it eventually. Yikes, 36 -- you're catching up (not really)!!! Thanks for the email note and let's try to hook up by either phone or Skype and we can cath up. Best to wife and daughter and hope to talk soon. Your ole shipmate pal, friend, retired Chief, Rich.
